Thursday, December 4, 2008

me? a bookworm?

yeah rite..more to 'novel-worm' i think..aha
i went to warisan square just now with mum, sis & Nadim. It was sis who wanted to go out to buy a novel, New Moon, the sequel to Twilight. i just tagged along. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the book! not at Times & even Popular bookstore. too bad 4 sis, it's just not ur day i guess. and it turns out, i'm the one who ends up buying novels. 3 of them!! hohoho..can't help it when i see interesting novels. once i see brain just screams "i want!!'. hehehehehe...
just so u know, the books that i've bought are Sepulchre-Kate Mosse, Hex and the Single Girl-Valerie Frankel and Forget About It-Caprice Crane. Actually i've been searching for Sepulchre for decades!! hehe..yesh i'm was just a few months actually..ngeh ngeh ngeh~~ =P
dats it i guess..tyme to devote myself to the novels..can't wait to finish readin all of it! hehehe



fa-aja-aja said...

aha...weh sounds interesting nih!

uuuu i want to read oso..

u noe,i pnjm dr senior novel john grisham pun tak habis2 lagi..baru awal2 ni..

uwaaa takda masa! tp nk baca sgt jg.he

Ira Deera said... cuti 1 week jg..baca la tyme tu..wahaha

Masleeha T. said...

i suggest u to read for one more day by micth albom..
best juala crita dia...
bah i tagged ur blog k?

fa-aja-aja said...

i oredi read tat book by mitch albom..hee..

dulu masa keja kt TImes. ;)

Ira Deera said...

okay~~ =)